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Hurricane Season in Florida This Year? Sandy Beach Vacay Says: Bring It On!

sandybeachvacay October 24, 2023

I’ll admit it. When I think about the double-whammy hurricanes that hit Florida this time last year, I experience some serious PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Between the water damage to the Ponce Inlet units, the destruction of the beach dunes and the devastation of homes up and down the beachline, I wondered if life as we knew it would ever be the same. Luckily my Anna Maria Island unit had no damage from either storm.

One year later, I’m happy to say that repair and restoration efforts have rejuvenated most of the area in Ponce Inlet, except for the beach dunes (though planning efforts by the state of Florida are underway). We have a new wider set of stairs to the beach and a freshly resurfaced pool. Even better news: I have invested in new hurricane shutters for each of the Ponce Inlet rental units!

Although it’s been a fairly mild season so far, I have been through more than half a dozen major hurricanes at Ponce Inlet. So I decided to make an investment in hurricane shutters. They not only cover the windows of the units, but also roll down to enclose the entire patio area, making it virtually impossible for wind, water  and debris to find its way into the units’ interiors.

Take a look below:

Mother Nature can pound sand this year, my friends. I don’t even have to take the patio furniture inside anymore. The shutters automatically roll down and are very secure. I did it because the great folks who come to Florida as my guest deserve to know that their unit is safe and secure, no matter what the weather. These investments are my commitment to ensuring that your vacation experience is a terrific one.

Even though I’m not wishing for another hurricane, if Mother Nature decides to intervene, we’ll be ready for her at Fall openings still available. I hope to see you soon.

Happy Autumn, everyone!




