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Hello Young (or Old) Lovers, Wherever You Are: We Have a Beach Vacation Valentine’s Day Special Offer Waiting for You!

sandybeachvacay February 1, 2022

My sister Penny was 12 years old when she realized that my dad – who absolutely
adored my mother – NEVER got her a gift for Valentine’s Day. Ever… “I love your
mother every day,” he said, grinning, as if that were explanation enough.
Pen was horrified! Who was this man and why didn’t he understand that mom needed
to be acknowledged on this universally recognized day of love!

So, she commandeered all her siblings (NOTE: There were SIX of us) and from that
year on, my mother regularly received multiple boxes of chocolate and cards.
After a year or two of watching the love roll into our house on Feb. 14, even Dad
(who was REALLY hard to embarrass) started showing up with a mushy card and
candy for my mother. Which made all of us happy, especially the hopelessly
romantic sister who started it all.

That is how I learned to love giving gifts on Valentine’s Day. So, guess what? I’ve
got one for all you lovers out there. Between now and Valentine’s Day, if you
book one of my beach vacation rental units for
any week that’s available in 2022, I will include for you and your loved one(s) a
sunset cruise (limit 6) – for free! Because what’s more romantic than watching the sun set over
the ocean?

Email me the dates your interested in and I will check the availability for the units (3 in Ponce, 1 in Anna Maria Island).

Having enjoyed the sunset cruises in both Daytona (Ponce Inlet Watersports) and Anna Maria
Island (AMI Dolphin Tours), I know you’ll love the experience, almost as much as the rest of
the time you spend relaxing on the beach or by the pool – or just chilling in a
beautiful unit where you can order in or cook a wonderful meal for your special
someone – even if he or she comes with kids, friends, or other relatives in tow!

As my sister showed me, there’s nothing nicer than being able to give a gift, so
c’mon, make my day, book a unit and give your special someone a real treat this
Valentine’s Day!

Yours in love,
P.S. – Even after we all grew up and moved out of the house, Pen still showed up
every year with a heart-shaped box of chocolates for my mom. Because she knew
it made her happy. Now if that isn’t love…?


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