All my life, I’ve loved the sun, sand and beach. In fact, my sisters used to call me the sun goddess of the family. Which is really saying something, considering we lived in Staten Island, N.Y. – not exactly the sunshine capital of the world.
When I look back, I guess it was no surprise that shortly after graduating college, I began to plot my escape to Florida. After 30-plus years of living in the sunshine state, I can report with confidence that I’m still happy as a clam to be here. But guess what? It turns out that beach bliss is a real thing. Neuroscientists “Beach Benefits“ apparently have been studying this phenomenon for years (who knew?). Between the vitamin D given off by the sun, the calming effect of undulating waves, and the way sand tingles (in a positive way) the nerve endings of your toes, there’s nothing but goodness to be gained from getting yourself to an ocean.
Especially in winter, when you’ve swept the holidays out of the house are figuring out how to get through the rest of the season, even just imagining yourself on the beach can lift your spirits “Beach’s Make People Happier “. Being around nature and especially water has a profound impact on our psyche. Sunshine, sand and surf are a winning combo for rest and relaxation.
So the next time you’re feeling blue, take yourself to the beach mentally…or even better, book your vacation now at “Sandy Beach Vacay“. I’ve got my sights set on May, when my brother Bob and my sisters will be here the whole month. It will be beachy keen, for sure!
See you soon (I hope),