I get it. Traditions die hard. Especially when it comes to mega-holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. You might have that sister who insists on hosting every Christmas at her place. Or the brother you know you won’t see unless you head to his castle for Thanksgiving.
I’m as die-hard a homebody as the next person when it comes to hosting holiday festivities, but over the last year, I’ve had a serious change of heart. I’ve arrived at three reasons why it may make more sense to start a new tradition and head south to Daytona or Anna Maria Island (www.sandybeachvacay.com) for Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas and yeah, even New Year’s.
Here they are:
1) Many families are geographically dispersed these days – In those instances where families have both expanded and moved away from their hometown, having everyone travel somewhere different for Thanksgiving can create a refreshing new tradition. Unlike a hotel room, a fully equipped condo provides all the equipment needed to whip up a great meal. And if cooking isn’t your thing, many local restaurants here in Daytona and Anna Maria Island offer special and scrumptious Thanksgiving menus.
2) People are looking to break out – Let’s face it. After two years of pandemic living, for many of us, leaving the house for a new destination can mean the difference between a “just okay” holiday, and a “one for the memory books” celebration.
My sister Pat is a great example. She lives in Brooklyn, but two of her three adult children now live in Washington, D.C., and Oregon, respectively. They often are unable to travel to her home for Thanksgiving, so this year, she’s making her condo in Florida her home base while she plans to attend Thanksgiving with me and Maggie. She knows I can’t travel to New York because Maggie needs to stay close to her parents, who are elderly and not in the best of health.
Even better, she and her husband, Paul will be celebrating a baby shower for one grandniece and an engagement party for a second grandniece. We haven’t seen either one of them in more than two years.
So it’s a triple win for Pat and Paul – and something wonderful for me to look forward to. My other sister Candy is joining us in December for an early Christmas celebration before she and Pat head back home to be with their own families – there’s even talk of a possible Christmas cookie swap between the sisters. I’ll keep you posted (regardless of who wins, I know my cookie will be the best one!)
3) Control over your holiday crowd – In our large family, we have a mix of both fully vaccinated relatives, and some who have chosen not to get the shot. I’m sure many of you face the same situation. Renting a condo – or even multiple units – allows you to create your own personal family pod and thus feel safe in a smaller crowd. This is especially true in families whose members include those most vulnerable to the virus – including elderly relatives and those with compromised immune systems. We have both in our family, so it’s not trivial to consider an option where, like-minded (and fully vaccinated) people can safely come together.
Two years ago, we would not have been thinking this way. But the world has really changed. These fluid and dynamic times can be challenging, but they also offer opportunities, especially around the holidays, to try something new and different with family members. Believe me, you’ll still experience the joy that comes from connection, telling old stories, and laughing around the table. It will just be a “different” table. Regardless of what life throws at you, it doesn’t really matter where you meet. Just that you find a way to do it (hopefully in Florida – www.sandybeachvacay.com).
Because family is forever.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! May you find yourself home with those you love – no matter where home happens to be.