Did you ever receive a gift from someone out of the blue? No, you say? Well, today is your lucky day!
After years of sending one-off URLs to customers asking for restaurant recommendations, I finally said to myself: “This is silly! Why don’t I just compile a list of my favorite diners, restaurants and dessert places here in Daytona and Anna Maria Island?”
So I did, with a little (okay, a LOT) of help from a colleague who specializes in graphic design. I was so pleased with the results that I decided to share my brand-new digital brochures with all of you, right now and right here. Take a look at the attached.
I’m sharing these as a “thank-you” for those of you who I’ve already had the special privilege of hosting over the years. And for those potential first-timers who may be thinking about vacation plans in 2022 (I know that’s where my thoughts go when fall rolls around), I hope it will help “seal the deal” by prompting you to check out sandybeachvacay.com.
I’ve been to all these eateries at least once. In fact, I frequent many of them regularly when I’m on Anna Maria Island or in Ponce Inlet. As an elite Yelper (notice how I slipped my street cred in there?), I’m really passionate about wanting both high-quality food AND a quality experience when I’m dining out with family or friends. In fact, I wrote so many Yelp reviews back in the day that I was invited five years ago to become part of its cadre of “elite squad” of reviewers.
Here are my most recent Yelp recommendations for restaurants/eateries, some of which are in addition to the ones listed in my brochures:
Anna Maria Island
Riverhouse Waterfront Grill
Seafood Shack
Sweet Berries Frozen Custard
Ponce Inlet
Aunt Catfish
Bronx House Pizza
Delta Hotel – Beachfront Restaurant (inside the hotel)
The next time you’re in town and the munchies come a calling, grab your brochure and use it as a blueprint to experience something new and different. You won’t be disappointed! I promise……
Happy fall, everyone!
Warm Regards,