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When Duty Calls: For Traveling Nurses and Healthcare Workers, Renting a Beachfront Condo Could Be the Essential Option for Our Most Essential Workers

sandybeachvacay March 17, 2021

Several months ago, I had the privilege of renting one of my condos to a traveling nurse. Honestly, I had never heard of a traveling nurse before, but in short, these are healthcare workers who have pulled up stakes in their hometowns to head to where they are most needed – whether it be to assist Covid patients in hard-hit hospitals, or to help fill out staffs that are already stretched paper thin. (Sadly, we’ve all read those stories.)

With March marking the one-year anniversary since the U.S. first went into lockdown to fight the coronavirus, we can never do enough to acknowledge all the nurses and doctors fighting on the pandemic’s front lines – but even within their ranks there’s a special place for those who have been willing to leave their homes to lend their service and expertise to those most in need elsewhere. Thank you, thank you…and THANK YOU again. Like others, I’ve cried many times this year, listening to a nurse or doctor on the news bear witness to heartbreaking stories of loss and grief…or amazing tales of Covid recovery.

What I also didn’t realize is that traveling nurses and healthcare workers need a place to stay during a typical 6-13-week assignment. If you’re a nurse or healthcare worker with an assignment in Florida, here’s something to consider: Given the choice between selecting accommodations provided by the hiring agency, or taking a housing stipend that allows you to pick your own place, you just might want to take the stipend and keep a beachfront rental condo in mind. (Check out the booking options here:

It’s an affordable alternative for lots of reasons. Fully furnished. Very private, especially during the winter months. And after a hard day (or night) of work, an ocean view can help ease the stress that our frontline healthcare workers are feeling every hour of every day that they’re on the job.

Footnote about my traveling nurse guest – although her assignment ended up getting cancelled, she decided to keep her four-week reservation because, in her own words, “Life is too short.” She would know. I was happy that she found peace and rest at my place during this very difficult time. In my own small way, I felt good that I was able to give one of our most essential workers something equally essential: A place to restore and replenish.



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